Monday, March 23, 2009

Let's cut the crap...

Ok, I have to rant about something...

I fly a lot. I went to China 5 times last year. I flew to Thailand, Dallas, San Fran a couple of times and to Portland.

This past weekend I went to Salt Lake City with the boys to get some late season skiing in.

I've finally had it. I am sick and tired of the "please shut off all portable electronic devices as they may interfere with our navigation equipment". I was listening to my iPod during the safety spiel and was politely told by the rather burly male flight attendant, "Please turn it off until we are at a safe altitude. You don't want us to land in the lake like those people in New York."

Really guy? REALLY?!?!?!?

Are you that dumb? Do you think that I am?

We landed on the damn moon 41 years ago! Since then we have come up with some insane technology, yet you would have me believe that playing my 1.5 volt iPod during takeoff could result in catastrophe.

Shut up already. There is no shot in hell that using my cell phone during takeoff could interfere with the avionics on the aircraft.

Now some might ask, "How do you know? It's POSSIBLE, isn't it?"

To which I say, "No, it's not."

How many people do you think have left their phones on in their pockets or left their iPods on during takeoff? Approximatel 1 BILLION people flew last year. If .5% of people that fly do that, every year there are 5 million chances for devices to interfere with the plane every year. 5 million. I'm pretty sure that at least that many people have done that and I think that's a big enough sample size to know that nothing is going to happen if I want to listen to my iPod instead of your ridiculous safety speech and the loud jet engines.

So I ask you, airlines, what the hell is the deal? Is this some ridiculous power trip? Do you really want us to be uncomfortable and annoyed on the flight? Sometimes it sure seems that way.

So let's cut the crap and shoot it straight... either tell us why you really don't want us using "personal electronic devices" during takeoff and landing, or shut up and let us listen to our music in peace because I'm not buying the "interference with navigation equipment" garbage anymore.

Also, to the Delta employee checking baggage in Salt Lake, when I have kids of my own I am going to tell them your story as a cautionary tale of what happens if you decide to be a complete and total idiot.

I'm out.


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