Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So it begins

I've been meaning to start one of these for a long time. Not sure why I haven't gotten around to it...

Anyhow, I'm starting my blog.

I'll warn you now - It's going to be all over the place.

Before I begin and enter the blogosphere, I feel as though I should have a 'mission statement' for my blog.

I want this to be blog that explores the important issues in our lives and does so in a good faith effort to seek the truth.

I'll start by telling you that you will probably disagree with me at some point. Great. You may also take offense at something I say or perhaps at the way I say it. Also great. That means you're at least doing some thinking about things that matter to you.

Too many people go through life without knowing what they believe or why they believe it. It's absolutely tragic.

If I can spur debate which leads to honest introspection, then I will have achieved my goal.

Here we go...


  1. may i be the first to disagree? with what you ask, the purple followed link color you chose on your theme. customize that to something else.
    thank you and good day.

  2. as those of us who enjoy pontificating, and gracing others with our opinions, consider ourselves intellectuals-in-training and tip our heats to the true greats, we find that all of this banter, even thoughts yet delivered, honors the pioneering notion by, yes, socrates:
    "The unexamined life is not worth living."
    Don't mistake that for a truth; it's an opinion. But is it true to you?
    Muddying the waters?
